Peruvian Food is one of the most recognized Gastronomies and valued worldwide for its exquisite taste and variety of natural ingredients, thanks to the union of four culinary customs this wonderful cuisine has been achieved, many people when they mention Peruvian Food or Peruvian Gastronomy they are very much associated with rich dishes with the best flavors in the world, since their fame has reached different countries of the world and being a great national pride for Peruvians who are fortunate to have these delicious dishes.
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The Peruvian Gastronomy has won different international awards and recognitions for having the best culinary flavors in the world, this is due to the great fusion of different culinary cultures and the great diversity of natural ingredients, an important point is that Peru has four regions natural that this extensive variety of ingredients provides, we are talking about the Coast, Sierra, Selva and the Peruvian Sea. The Peruvian Gastronomy stands out at the same level of the Italian and French Gastronomy.
History of Peruvian Food
Peruvian Food is the result of the initial fusion of the cuisine of ancient Peru with Spanish cuisine, allowing a mix of Peruvian-Spanish ingredients and dressings that has achieved the creation of very delicious and recognized recipes, after this excellent fusion of flavors With the arrival of slaves in Peru, Peruvian cuisine was merged with the culture and African culinary custom, opening the opportunity for new Afro-Peruvian dishes and flavors that later was replicated in the different recipes of Peru, offering better flavors to the foods.
After this fusion of flavors of Peruvian, Spanish and African culture, at the time of the Viceroyalty came the French fleeing the revolution of their country, bringing their culture and culinary custom, providing certain advice, mode of preparation and ingredients to the Peruvian cuisine, increasing the quality of the flavor of the Peruvian dishes. In the same way it happened with the Asian culture that came hand in hand with Chinese-Cantonese and Japanese inhabitants in the 19th century immigration, among some Italian inhabitants and with time some European customs were added.
Synthesizing the history of Peruvian Cuisine, we re-confirm that the Peruvian Gastronomy is the final result of the fusion of different cultures and culinary customs, it is also worth noting that the success of Peruvian food also comes from the extensive flora that the country possesses, allowing a great diversity of foods and natural ingredients for the preparation of the dishes. The most relevant culinary cultures are the cultures: Iberian, African and Asian,
It is important to know the history of Peruvian Gastronomy to know the origins of Peruvian food and we have learned that it is the fusion of 4 main gastronomic customs, which has achieved the rich Peruvian flavor.
Typical Peruvian Food:
Peruvian Cuisine stands out for the quality of the flavors of its meals, there is a great variety of dishes from the Peruvian sea to the Peruvian jungle, within that great diversity there are certain typical dishes that are the most representative of the Peruvian culinary art, Many of these are known in different countries, each person has a favorite dish within the typical dishes, also we will mention some of these famous dishes of Peruvian Gastronomy.
In the same way Peru has many typical dishes that can be classified by regions, departments, ingredients, preparation, style, etc., each of these has a different value and symbolic meaning, you could say that all Peruvian inhabitants know at least 10 of these famous dishes, some more but less, but it must be said that they identify a lot for the food because it is a national pride to own one of the richest Gastronomies in the world, what Peruvian would not ?.
For this I am going to mention 5 best typical dishes of Peruvian Gastronomy, although we know that the list is very extensive, all are very important in Peruvian cuisine, some are more known than others, but all have a great taste, good here one of them:
- Fish ceviche
- Lomo Saltado
- Chili Pepper
- Stuffed Cause
- Huancaina’s style potato
To know more enter to: The Typical Dishes of Peru 👈 👈 👈
Types of Peruvian Food
The Peruvian Gastronomy is very extensive that means that there are many dishes within the Peruvian Cuisine, it could be estimated that there are more than 3 thousand Peruvian dishes, so that it is much easier to classify, the Peruvian cuisine is divided by its 4 regions, we are talking about the Coast, Sierra, Selva and Peruvian Sea, for this we know a little more in depth of each region, understand how it differs and what specialty each region has for the preparation of its dishes.
It should be noted that each region is characterized and specializes in the use of natural ingredients that grow in these areas, in addition to each region has a different style of preparation, we can see that in the flavor of the dressings and the combination of ingredients, we know which are:
Food of the Peruvian Coast
The food of the Peruvian coast is one of the richest and internationally recognized, we can find many ingredients or natural inputs of the coastal flora and fauna of Peru. La Cocina Costeña, in addition to having the best Peruvian dishes, also has the most delicious Peruvian desserts such as Mazamorra Morada, Suspiro a la Limeña, Picarones, Arroz con leche, Arroz Zambito and Frejol Colado Peruano
The Gastronomy of the Peruvian Coast is the most recognized worldwide, since we can find a large part of the typical Peruvian dishes, although we can not take credit to the Gastronomy of the Peruvian highlands and the Gastronomy of the Peruvian jungle that also have delicious dishes. It must be said that the Costeña Cuisine is divided into two parts, the first one is the Marine Food and the other is the Creole Food, both are very rich and recommended.
Peruvian marine food
The Marine Food of Peru stands out or is characterized by the particular use of ingredients and inputs of marine flora and fauna, with natural ingredients of Peruvian agriculture, such as potatoes, corn, onions, tomatoes, etc. It should be noted that Peru has a great wealth of fish, shellfish, mollusks, marine plants and with the combination of the cultivated foods the famous dishes of the marine cuisine are produced, the most used fish and / or marine animals are the bonito, the mackerel, anchoveta, mullet, grouper, crab, shrimp, octopus, seafood and Pota.
There are many marine dishes, mentioning them all would take us the whole page, but I will mention the most famous and famous of the delicious Peruvian Marine Gastronomy, here some I leave you 5 examples or more known marine dishes:
- Fish Ceviche: It is considered as the flag dish, insignia, heritage and Peruvian national pride, in almost all countries associated with Peruvian cuisine with ceviche, this marine dish belongs to the fusion of Peruvian-Asian culture, the preparation consists of of raw fish with onion, sweet potato, red pepper, mountain range, corn mote and a white juice that gives almost all the flavor to the fish ceviche. (Peruvian Secret)
- Tigre Milk: This entry is considered as a marine cocktail is the white juice that is prepared for ceviche, which is mostly lemon juice, is usually served in a glass with serrata serrana, cooked prawns and plantain chifles. The cocktail is considered as an aphrodisiac drink because of its effect that stimulates the sexual appetite.
- Rice with Seafood: It is a dish that came from the Spaniards that was modified with the arrival of the Asians, it is a similar dish but not the same as the paella, in this case it has ingredients from the Peruvian sea and ingredients native to Peru, with the culinary fusion of Iberian, Peruvian and Asian flavors. This dish is prepared with cooked rice, mixed seafood, yellow pepper, red pepper among other ingredients and has one of the best marine flavors.
- Parihuela de Pescado: It is a soup made with mixed fish and seafood, it is characterized by carrying a whole crab, the name of parihuela comes from an anecdote that occurred in callao, it was designed that this concentrated soup of fish and seafood was prepared in a large pot, in a wood stove and used the unusable wood of the stretcher to cook (it is a wooden base that was used to transport the fish in those times).
- Choritos a la Chalaca: It is a kind of entry with Choritos (Mejillones) cooked with a Creole onion sauce, this rich seafood stew has a striking presentation where the mussels are placed in a dish where the Creole sauce that is accompanied is added with corn mote and some slices of lemon.
It is mentioned that the best seafood is prepared in Callao, a district of Lima Peru, since it is an area where fish and shellfish are sold, one of the great specialties is Ceviche with different presentations, one richer than the other. another and it is designed that the best ceviche is in the callao, it would be a matter of checking it.
Peruvian Creole Food
Creole Food is the culinary art that stands out a lot for the Iberian-Peruvian and Afro-Peruvian flavors, in Creole food the ingredients of the flora and fauna of the Peruvian coast are used, the cities that most stand out in the Creole cuisine are Ica, Arequipa, Piura, Trujillo, Tacna and Lima. Not only the dishes of Creole food stands out, but also the Creole desserts and the Peruvian coast stand out, for example: La Mazamorra Morada, Picarones, Suspiro a la Limeña, Turrón, Melchota and Ranfañote.
Among its main ingredients of Creole food we have: yungay potato, yellow chili, yucca, onion, garlic, duck, kid, peas, avocado, tomato, red pepper, cilantro, among others. The list to mention the Creole dishes is great for this we will mention the 5 most famous Creole dishes of Peru, so that you at least know them and know which region these dishes belong to.
- Ají de Gallina: This dish is so famous that it is on the list of typical dishes of Peru and is well known internationally, is a dish based on a cream of yellow pepper with milk, dry bread, cheese, walnut, among others Ingredients, which is combined with chicken breast frayed and is accompanied with a serving of rice, boiled potatoes, olives and boiled egg.
- Carapulcra Chinchana: It is a typical dish of iqueña cuisine and it is even considered as the flag dish of Ica, in the south of the country the fusion of Afro-Peruvian flavors is very much used and that this dish is proof of that. It is made with dried potatoes and is usually accompanied with dried soup and yucca, it is designed that the improvement of carapulcra is chinchana, because of course it is the place where the Peruvian delicacy originated.
- Stuffed Cause: It is a dish or entree based on crushed potatoes that is previously cooked, where the mash of potatoes is accompanied by a filling that can be tuna or chicken and among other vegetables, they say that the real cause is eating that cold means that it must be stored in the fridge for a few minutes, this dish originated between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries in the city of Lima.
- Rice with Duck: This dish is originally from Chiclayo located in the north of the country, it has a similarity with rice and chicken, but unlike meat and other ingredients, the flavor and color is usually given by cilantro. It is one of the most used herbs in Peruvian cuisine and of course the duck has a distinctive flavor.
- Peruvian Tamales: This dish is prepared in southern Peru, according to its history this dish was created by African slaves, this delicious entry that can be chicken or pork is made of corn stuffed with a little Creole stew, wrapped in banana leaves, has a preparation similar to Andean humitas.
The Creole Food is the one that breastfeeds and is a great pride of the Peruvian Gastronomy, but there are some dishes that deserve to be mentioned although they are not purely Creole, but they are from the Peruvian coast, because here I will mention some of them: Lomo Saltado, Grilled chicken, rice with chicken, shrimp suck, broth of chicken, Tacu Tacu, Peruvian Anticuchos, Cau Cau mondongo, among many dishes more.
Food of the Peruvian Sierra
The Andean cuisine or the Sierra is the kitchen that preserves the traditions of ancient Peru, it is in this kitchen where the food prepared by the ancient settlers and even the Incas themselves, is considered as the healthiest cuisine for the ingredients Andean who have nutritional properties and a high level of vitamins, minerals and proteins. The Andean cuisine is similar in some dishes of the coastal kitchen, but in this it is usually used other types of meat such as alpaca, vicuña, guinea pig or lamb.
There are many Andean dishes that are within the typical of Peru, among the main ingredients in this type of cuisine we have: corn, corn mote, many types of potato, sweet potato, quinoa, green beans, tarwi, wheat, olluco, moron , mashua among other tubers and legumes or / and Andean seeds. In comparison to the other cuisines, it has a more intense flavor, I am going to mention 5 dishes of the most famous mountains of Peru.
- Huancaina’s style potato: It is a dish that belongs to the famous dishes of Peru, is a cream based on yellow pepper, biscuit, walnut, cheese and other ingredients that is accompanied with boiled potatoes, this cream originated in the city of Huancayo in the year 1905 in the creation of the central railway, being created by the Huancaline cooks who attended the workers of the great central work.
- Olluquito with Charqui: It is one of the representative dishes of the Andean region, it has a penetrating and very delicious flavor, this dish is made from olluco which is a tuber that grows in the Peruvian Andean zone, accompanied by an Afro-Andean dressing and the charqui, which is the stuffed meat of the alpaca. The flavor that characterizes the dish is thanks to charqui and parsley which is an herb with a good flavor.
- Cuy Chactado: This dish has become very controversial since in other countries the guinea pig or hamster is considered as a pet, while in the Andean region is one of the richest meats that are consumed, in addition to its meat that has properties medicinal, this animal has been consumed since the Inca times and it is still preserved that tradition, it can only be said that this Andean dish has a rich flavor.
- Pachamanca: This is a dish from the mountains that has a historical value, its original preparation is done inside the land that is an ancient tradition of the villagers, now you can prepare it to the pot or the oven, you will find many natural ingredients like Yellow potatoes, green beans, corn, among other ingredients, you can use the meat you want may be meat, chicken, pork or lamb, you can even use all.
- Mote Soup: It is one of the dishes that is still prepared for many years, this is one of the emblematic dishes of the Peruvian highlands that is prepared from mote, which is a type of white corn that cooks and burst It opens as if it were popcorn corn, it is also known as pasta or mote soup.
We know that Andean food is highly valued in the culinary industry, but we must not forget that there are very rich desserts from the Andean region such as: Pumpkin mazamorra, white corn mazamorra, Shicuape, Cahui mazamorra or gelatin patita, in the latter is made with beef leg and has a very delicious taste, we recommend a lot.
Food of the Peruvian Jungle
The Kitchen of the Forest is the most privileged kitchen compared to the others because it has the greatest diversity of flora and fauna of Peru, where we can find aromatic herbs to wild animals that are consumed as: wild boar, tapir, armadillo, etc. The Selvatic Cuisine is considered as an exotic cuisine, since it has exotic dishes and some very rare, for this some examples: dishes that are prepared with monkey, turtles, punchana, paiche or suri, in this kitchen are few dishes that are known worldwide and even national, the famous dishes are very rare.
Maybe it is not the region with more known dishes but the few that are have a rich flavor and stand out among many dishes and even international, the jungle is a region that can be better exploited, since it contains many natural ingredients, there are foods like : camu camu, arracacha, cocona, pitahaya or chonta, all have high nutritional levels, for example camu camu has 40 times more vitamin C than orange and so we can continue to list many more natural foods that grows in the jungle Peruvian
And not only the food, there are also very remarkable drinks of the Peruvian jungle such as: Masato, Chuchuhuasi, Uvachado, Seven roots, Calaca Break (RC) among other beverages, some of these are aphrodisiacs used for sexual stimulation purposes such as Breaks down Calzon, Para Para or Seven times without removing, has some very funny names but has a positive and warm effect, well without deviating from the subject I will mention 5 most popular dishes of the Peruvian jungle.
- Juane, this dish that is prepared as a homemade rice stew wrapped in banana leaves that retains its aroma and flavor, its name comes from the feast of San Juan that is celebrated every June 24 in homage to San Juan Bautista, yes says that this dish is eaten cold to accompany it can add ají de charapita, for our part we can say that it has a delicious flavor. 😋😋
- Tacacho con Cecina, is a typical dish and one of the best known of the Peruvian jungle, its name comes from the old Quechua «taka chu» which means crushed, referring to the fact that this dish is made from crushed banana accompanied with cecina which is a wild pork wrapped in banana leaves and served with onion salad and charapita pepper sauce that stings like the gods. 😋😋
- Patarashca, is one of the most striking dishes of the Amazon region, it is a cooked fish, with plantain and salad, all wrapped in banana leaves, is a recipe originally from Tarapóto and in some places usually prepare this dish but Suri or Hualo. The name in Quecha means «Fold and Paste», surely referring to the package of the dish.
- Timbuche is a soup typical of the Peruvian jungle, it has a preparation similar to a fish soup with fine herbs, but it is used especially fish from the Peruvian jungle such as Carachama, Guasaco, Paichi, Boquichico, among other fish from the rivers of Jungle. This dish is prepared especially in the department of Ucayali, also the surrounding areas often prepare this rich soup of the Peruvian jungle.
- Rice Charapa, is an additional version of the famous Peruvian chaufa rice, which share many ingredients but other ingredients are used, especially the rich cecina, which gives the best flavors to the dishes of the jungle.
Another of the dishes that deserves to be mentioned is the Calcha de Carachama which is one of the well-known dishes of the jungle cuisine. In our personal opinion, our favorite dish is Chaufa Rice with Cecina, my mother !! It has a delicious flavor, it can be said that it is a hybrid dish since it is a fusion between the coast and the Peruvian jungle, but we mention it in this section since the cecina is one of the native ingredients of the Peruvian jungle.
Main ingredients of Peruvian Cuisine
The Peruvian Food is characterized by the fusion of flavors of different cultures and for it different ingredients are mixed in order to offer us the best culinary flavors, you knew that Peru has a great variety of ingredients in its cuisine, but there are essential ingredients, ingredients that are used more frequently. For this we are going to mention the basic and / or essential ingredients in Peruvian food, and to get to know a little more about this fabulous gastronomy.
The Peruvian Popes
The potato is one of the main ingredients in the Peruvian Gastronomy that has been used since ancient times, it is illogical to think that Peruvian cuisine has gone far if it has not been thanks to the dishes prepared with potatoes, I will mention some examples : Papa a la Huancaina, Papa Rellena, Causa Rellena, Grilled Chicken, Lomo Saltado, Yellow Potato Puree, among many others. We would not imagine a grilled chicken without potatoes or a Locro de Zapallo without potatoes, Peruvian food would not make any sense at all.
In addition, Peru is the country with the most types or varieties of potatoes in the world, approximately 3 thousand varieties, which allows us to prepare many recipes and each potato has a different flavor and texture, I will mention 5 potatoes of the most known, because if I mention all the Peruvian potatoes we would end the page, well without deviating from the subject these are:
- Yellow potato
- Yungay potato
- Peruanita potato
- Canchan potato
- Huamantanga potato
The Peruvian Ajíes
This ingredient is used mainly in the Peruvian seasonings, more than anything to season and give that Peruvian flavor or touch, the most used chili is Aji Amarillo, which in itself is one of the essential ingredients for many Peruvian dishes. It can be said that all the peppers are important in Peruvian food and they stand out a lot, it should also be noted that it offers a rich spicy flavor to the meals.
Did you know that Peru has more than 50 varieties of pepper that is distributed in the three Peruvian regions, among the most common or known we have:
- The yellow pepper, its name is due to its long yellow appearance, compared to rocoto and aji limo. This aji is less spicy and is ideal for the garnishes of the Peruvian dishes, I am going to mention some examples: Papa a la Huancaina , Ají de Gallina, Escabeche de Pescado or the delicious Lomo Saltado.
- Ají panca, is a dry and cherry colored elongated chili that is used in Peruvian dressings, for later use you must first liquefy or grind it to add it in recipes, I will mention some examples: Carapulcra, Anticuchos , Beef marinade, Red Noodles or Stuffed Rocoto
- The Rocoto, is a native chili that only grows in Peru, has a similar appearance to an apple, compared to the two mentioned chili peppers if it really chops and is often used in Peruvian creams or sauces such as Rocoto Molido or Crema de Rocoto, although it is used in dishes known as Rocoto Relleno and Ceviche de Pescado in the latter, it does not go very well.
- Aji Limo, this is a aji used in the dishes to bite and really pique, is small, elongated and of different colors the best known is red, is used in recipes such as: Fish Ceviche, Fish Tiradito o Choritos a la Chalaca.
The Peruvian Maize
Corn is one of the main ingredients in Peruvian cuisine, with this ingredient has been prepared many recipes you could say from A to Z. Well here I leave some culinary examples that is prepared with corn: Chicha Morada, Soup of Mote, Pepián de Choclo, tamales, rice with Peruvian chicken, mazamorra purple among other recipes.
Maybe you wonder why you include different recipes that are prepared with different corn, because the same question is designed, corn is a natural ingredient that has different types of corn, and that’s where I tell you that Peru is the country that It has the largest variety of corn in the world, for this I will mention 5 of the best known and used maize in Peruvian cuisine.
- Purple corn
- Corn Mote
- Corn Field
- Giant Corn of Cuzco
- Yellow corn
Aromatic herbs
Aromatic herbs are indispensable ingredients in Peruvian cuisine, practically in all Peruvian dishes are present from the richest Creole soups to the appetizers of the jungle, many of these are used crushed or ground in the dressings and other chopped or whole to give Peruvian food a taste, for it a brief example of the Peruvian dishes that use these ingredients: Rice with Chicken, Green Noodle, Seco de Frejoles, Cream of Ocopa, Pachamanca, Soup of Mote, Soup of Morón, Olluquito with Charque , Ajiaco de Papa, among many more.
The Peruvian Gastronomy is characterized by using aromatic herbs in your kitchen, helping to highlight the flavors of the dishes, mostly used fresh, and for this I will mention the 5 most common aromatic herbs used in Peruvian Cuisine.
- Cilantro
- Parsley
- Huacatay
- Oregano
- Laurel
It must be said that they are the most used herbs in Peruvian food, but they are not the only ones, there are aromatic herbs that are used very often in Peruvian cuisine that deserve to be mentioned as: La Basil, Thyme, Chincho, Muña and Uñá de Gato , it must be said that Peru has many more aromatic herbs.
Garlic and Onion
The garlic and onion are two fundamental ingredients of the Peruvian dressing, are rare occasions to find Peruvian recipes that do not carry at least one of these, these two ingredients were brought to Peru by the Spaniards at the time of the conquest and that has been I have been using it since that date, it goes without saying that garlic and onion are ingredients that offer a better flavor to meals.
In Peruvian cuisine, Peruvian chefs or chefs recognize that the presence of garlic and onion are vital to offer the maximum flavor of the dressings and even mention that the more garlic or onion adds flavor, the more food is acquired, but not only dressings, are also used as any other normal ingredient here some examples: Fish Ceviche, Zarza de Criadillas, Lomo saltado, Roasted garlic, Peruvian Creole sauce, among others.
White rice
Rice is the most used grain in Peruvian foods, especially as a great accompaniment to Peruvian stews, considered as a faithful companion at lunch or dinner, the most usual way to consume it is the grained rice that comes with garlic, oil and salt. There are also other dishes prepared with rice: Arroz con Pollo, Cau Cau de Mondongo, Lomo Saltado, Aguadito, arroz chaufa, arroz a la jardinera, among many other recipes.
Peru is the country where more rice is consumed compared to other countries, for the simple fact that almost all of its dishes are rice, because of course it is one of the indispensable ingredients in its gastronomy, not only in its food dishes, They are also part of Peruvian delicious desserts such as: rice with milk, rice zambito or rice cake.
Milk and Cheese
Milk and Cheese are two ingredients that are used in many Peruvian recipes, especially in Andean cuisine or in the mountains, and not only in dishes or soups, they are also part of delicious desserts, drinks and / or cocktails Peruvian, perhaps you have heard of the cocktail of algarrobina which is a Peruvian cocktail that takes evaporated milk or cheesecake, so there are many more recipes with these delicious ingredients.
Since we know that milk and cheese are a fundamental part of Peruvian cuisine, here are some examples: Chupe de Camarones, Locro de Zapallo, Ají de Gallina, Papa a la Huancaina, etc. It is wonderful to know that Peruvian cuisine carries these two dairy products in their meals, and even dishes like Fish Ceviche or Tigre Milk, have evaporated milk as one of its ingredients and so many more Peruvian dishes contain any of these ingredients, some They can carry milk, other cheese and others can carry both ingredients.
We have mentioned what are the main ingredients in Peruvian cuisine, but there are some that are not very common in Peruvian food, but they deserve to be mentioned posts that are representative ingredients of Peru, we are talking about Quinoa, Kiwicha and Kañiwa, which are pseudocereals with a high nutritional level and being part of rich and nutritious dishes, desserts and even Peruvian drinks.
Peruvian Food Recipes
Peruvian Food is considered one of the richest dishes in the world, thanks to the great combination of flavors, being a great admiration for many people. But what happens if we want to learn the recipes of Peruvian dishes that we admire so much and that we like, we may think that certain flavors need a special preparation and that we need to be experts in the Peruvian culinary art.
Well I say no, Peruvian food recipes are not as difficult as it seems, some Peruvian food recipes are easy and others need a bit more attention. There is a great variety of Peruvian recipes, do not get overwhelmed by what we should start, we will present you in a simpler and easier way that will be easy to learn.
We will also find the best recipes from four regions of Peru such as: Typical Food of the Peruvian Coast, Typical Food of the Peruvian Sierra, Typical Food of the Peruvian Jungle and Typical Food of the Peruvian Sea, not only that if many of these are Peruvian food recipes that are economical and easy to make, should only follow the instructions in the recipes step by step.
Recipes by types of Peruvian Food
In this section we will find the recipes of Peruvian food classified by much easier and simple options, it could be said that it is the most known classification worldwide, within these groups you can find recipes of many types such as: Healthy Peruvian Food, Food Peruvian Vegetarian, Peruvian Fast Food, Peruvian Homemade Food, Peruvian Chinese Food, Peruvian Gourmet Food, Peruvian Creole Food, Peruvian Military Food, among many more.
In the culinary art, Mr. Gaston Acurio is devoted to many Peruvian recipes, his specialty being the Peruvian Gourmet Food and the Peruvian Marine Food, giving a personal touch to each of them, many people follow this figure and want the recipes of Peruvian food of Gaston Acurio with his tips and advice, in many of these recipes I’m leaving you some of these tips, you should only be encouraged to cook and go.
Recipes by types of Meat
In this section the classification of Peruvian food is by type of meat being much easier and easier to find them, for example we are looking for Peruvian dishes with chicken, or with meat and / or fish, well do not worry they should only access One of these sections and we will show you the dishes prepared with each type of meat.
You can also find many outstanding recipes of Peruvian food, for example: entries of Peruvian food with tuna or Peruvian soups with giblets, we have a wide range of recipes is only a matter of venturing and have the desire to cook.
Recipes by Type of Ingredient
In this section we can find the Peruvian recipes by type of ingredient, being much easier if you want to prepare Peruvian recipes with a specific ingredient, as we know Peruvian Gastronomy is very wide and diverse, and many ingredients are used that we did not know , and that is why this great section has been created, many of these are easy to prepare Peruvian food recipes.
Some people usually buy a recipe book or Peruvian cookbooks to learn how to cook these fabulous recipes, in many cases they are surprised that there are dishes that they did not know, since Peru has more than 3,000 recipes and is only promoting on average 120 Peruvian dishes and that is why recipes that we did not know but that belong to the fabulous Peruvian cuisine, without more than saying I present the fabulous recipes of Peruvian food by type of ingredients.
Many people intend to learn to cook the rich Peruvian dishes and are complicated by searching the Internet for example: Peruvian cuisine recipes, Peruvian Creole cuisine, Peruvian food with chicken, Peruvian mountain food, Peruvian food jungle, Peruvian coast food , Peruvian food recipe, Peruvian food recipe book pdf, Peruvian Creole cuisine, easy cooking Peruvian recipes, Peruvian food wikipedia, Peruvian recipes gaston acurio pdf, Peruvian cuisine recipe, easy Peruvian food, Peruvian food by Gaston Acurio, cuisine Peruvian recipes, among many more searches. But on our website you should only put the name and you will get the recipes with ingredients and procedures, it is much easier compared to Google search.
Peruvian Restaurants of Peruvian Food
Peruvian Food is one of the most delicious Gastronomies in the world and that is why it has built a good reputation, also highlights its great diversity of ingredients and types of dishes, and this is where the Peruvian Restaurants are the representatives in carrying this culinary art to different places of Peru and even to the outside of the country.
The Peruvian Government works a lot with the theme of Peruvian Gastronomy and promotes it through events and / or conferences, taking into account that this point is a great asset for the Peruvian economy, for this there is a department specialized in Peruvian food that is the Peruvian Society of Gastronomy (APEGA), where it focuses exclusively on the Peruvian Gastronomy, one of the most well-known events in Peru is «Mistura» which is a gastronomic fair in Lima where the different Peruvian dishes that have been made since 2008 are promoted. the date.
Also the impulse of the Peruvian food is made through international gastronomic fairs, with the collaboration of Apega and representative figures of the Peruvian cuisine as Gaston Acurio, Alfredo Aramburú, Tereza Izquierdo, Virgilio Martínez Véliz, James Beckemeyer Anderson, among other culinary figures, promotes Peruvian Cuisine at international events,
For example: The FIBEGA event was an Ibero-American event where different Latin American and European cuisines were exhibited, and where the Peruvian Gastronomy was present with its Gastronomic representatives, which was held in Cáceres-Spain in November 2016. And so in many events Gastronomic, the Peruvian Cuisine is present and the most representative Gastronomic figure of the Peruvian Cuisine is the chef Gaston Acurio.
Types of Peruvian Restaurants
We have mentioned that Peruvian food is very extensive and diverse and therefore it is usually classified in different ways and in the same way it happens with Peruvian restaurants, they are usually classified by regions or departments of Peru, in each case the restaurants specialize and They show the typical and most famous dishes of each region or department.
According to departments we can find restaurants specializing in food Arequipeña, Piurana, Ayacuchana, Tacneña, Cuzqueña, Huancavelicana, Lima, Ancashina, Cajamarquina, etc., and so we can continue with all 24 departments of Peru, they specialize and prepare the best dishes of the regions. It should be noted that for this modality the dishes are very rich and specialized since the menu is limited to the dishes of each department, and in the season you can see the professionalism and dedication.
Important fact: A great example of a restaurant by department would be an Arequipeño Restaurant, which within its entrances we have Solterito Arequipeño, Zarza de Patitas, Zarza de Criadillas or Chairo Soup, among its dishes in the background we have Rocoto relleno, Costillares de Cordero and Malaya Frita and among its desserts the delicious Ice Cheese. I mention this example so that you at least have an idea of what these types of restaurants are like.
And now by regions, is where the menu is more varied compared to the restaurants by departments, in this case we can find many more dishes and offers us the opportunity to have dishes from different departments but for each region, being much better for diners When choosing, I will mention each restaurant for each region in detail.
Marine restaurants
In the Marine Restaurants the specialty is the fish and seafood, the preparation of different marine dishes of Peru from different coastal departments of Peru, offering a greater variety to the diners. In Peru these places are known as «Cevicherias», which is a restaurant specializing in fish and seafood, being one of the preferred by Peruvians, as their food and stew are the most delicious and delicious in Peru.
There are two modes of consumption, the first is the Marine Menu consisting of an entry, main course and a complimentary drink and the second is the letter plate that a large presentation of the bottom plate, in this case is not accompanied by an entry or a courtesy drink. I will mention the most consumed and sold dishes within these marine venues:
Marine Tickets | Marine Dishes | Drinks |
Chilcano Soup | Fish Ceviche | Chicha Morada |
Tiger Milk | Rice with Seafood | Inka Cola |
Choritos to the Chalaca | Parihuela Soup | |
Spicy Seafood |
An additional fact: In some Cevicherias, cocktails and beers are usually sold, the best known within this place are Pisco Sour and Cuzqueña Negra, which are the most recommended.
Peruvian Creole Restaurants
In Creole Restaurants the specialty is the Peruvian Creole Food, where we can find the most representative Creole dishes of the Peruvian coast, especially the dishes of Southern Peru that are the most recognized. These places are known as Creole Restaurants, the curious thing is that they play Creole music in the background, where we can listen to the icons of Peruvian criollismo, giving a more personalized and Creole touch to the place, I assure you that in this place the food is very rich and appetizing, leaving us with the desire to come back next time.
There are two modes of consumption, the first is the Creole Menu consisting of an entrance, main course and a complimentary drink and the second is the letter plate that a large presentation of the bottom plate, in this case is not accompanied by an entry or a courtesy drink. I will mention the most consumed and sold dishes within these Creole stores:
Creole Tickets |
Creole Dishes | Drinks | Creole Dessert |
Stuffed Cause | Chicken Ají | Chicha Morada | Picarones |
Tamales | Rice with duck | Maracuya Drinks | Purple porridge |
Ocopa cream | Stuffed Rocoto | Barley water | I sigh to the Limeña |
Dry soup with Carapulca |
An important fact: The icons of Criolla Music are: Arturo Zambo Cabero, Oscar Aviles, Eva Ayllón, Chabuca Granda, Pepe Vazques among other artists. Creole Music is considered as Peruvian heritage and is the most representative musical genre of Peru, maybe you will have heard the Creole song «Contigo Peru» by Artuzo Zambo Cabero and Oscar Aviles, this song is considered a hymn by the Peruvian inhabitants.
Peruvian Andean Restaurants
In the Andean restaurants the specialty is the meals of the Peruvian highlands, where we can find many dishes of the mountains, especially the most recognized and famous nationally, we know that the Andean food stands out for having the nutritious ingredients of the old kitchen Peruvian In these places its decoration stands out, where we can find beautiful tablecloths, beautiful paintings and some ekekos, all related to the Andean culture of Peru, I assure you it is one of the richest foods and with the most profound and notable flavors of the Peruvian Gastronomy .
There are two modes of consumption, the first is the Andean Menu that consists of an entry, main course and a complimentary drink and the second is the letter plate that a large presentation of the bottom plate, in this case is not accompanied by an entry or a courtesy drink. I will mention the most consumed and sold dishes in these Andean places:
Andean Tickets | Andean Dishes | Drinks |
Mote Soup | Olluquito with Charqui | Chicha de Jora |
Huancaina’s style potato | Cuy Chacted | Emollient Peruvian |
Chairo soup | Fried trout | Chicha Morada |
Pachamanca a la Olla |
An additional fact: Other of the known dishes of the Andean cuisine deserve to be mentioned as: Head Broth, Lamb Ribs, Stuffed Rocoto, Malaya Frita and Sopa de Morón, these dishes are also often sold in this type of restaurants .
Restaurants of the Jungle
In this type of restaurant the specialty is the food of the Selva, it is here where we can find the stews and the delights of the amazons, where it shows us a great variety of dishes of the jungle of each department of Peru, we can distinguish this type of restaurant for its decoration and the way of talking of the waiters, who have their characteristic accent, compared to the other 3 types of restaurants, there are few restaurants that can be found, and also stands out for its exotic drinks.
The dishes of the jungle are very striking, you can see in the presentations of the dishes and the taste is different compared to the other cuisines, but very rich at the same time, in this kitchen you can see that they use a lot of banana and jerky as two of its main ingredients, in a matter of drinks the jungle is highlighted by exotic drinks such as Siete Raíces, Rompe Calzón and Para Para.
Jungle Tickets | Jungle Dishes | Jungle Drinks |
Carachama Soup | Juanes | Aguajina |
Chimpute | Tacacha with Cecina | Camu Camu Drinks |
Inchicapi | Patarascha | Aguaje Drinks |
Rice Charapaca |
Peruvian Chef ( Great representatives of Peruvian Cuisine)
The Peruvian Gastronomy is the most valued and characteristic discipline of Peru, being a great cultural symbol full of flavor, aroma, creativity and above all a great effort by those professionals who dedicate themselves and strive to offer us their talent that is reflected in their wonderful and delicious dishes
Comida Peruana Web, will present the best Peruvian chefs, experts in Peruvian cuisine that are internationally recognized for their skill and passion for Peruvian food, so let’s get to know them.
Gaston Acurio
Chef Gaston Acurio Jaramillo is the most representative figure of Peruvian cuisine, he is one of the most influential chefs of Peruvian food currently married to Astrid Gutsche, in 1994 he opened his first restaurant called Astrid & Gaston, becoming the Peruvian restaurant more famous and internationally known, thanks to its success, Gastón expanded its chain of branches in 8 countries: Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Spain.
In the year 2000 Astrid & Gaston was chosen as the best restaurant in Peru, in 2011 it was chosen as one of the 20 most influential chefs in the world at the Madrid Fusion Fair in 2011, and this is how it accumulated many international awards thanks to its dedication and effort for Peruvian cuisine or food, is currently the most representative figure of Peruvian Gastronomy and its name is known in many countries of the world.
Virgilio Martínes Véliz
He is a Peruvian chef and entrepreneur, is one of the representatives of the new generation of Peruvian cuisine, since he was very young he has become familiar with traditional Peruvian food, he was away from Peru for more than 10 years where he dedicated himself to his gastronomic education, He finished his haute cuisine career at Le Cordon Bleu in Ottawa, Canada, he has worked in the most prestigious restaurants in the world with the Four Seasons hotel in Manhatana Ney York, in Can Fabes a restaurant in Catalonia and in Astrid & Gaston in Madrid and Lima.
This young Peruvian chef opened his own restaurants in different parts for example: Central restaurant in Barranco, Senzo in the city of Cuzco and LIMA in London and Dubai, obtaining great international recognition as getting the fourth place in the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world Virgilio has also collaborated in various international events of the Peruvian Gastronomy.
Tereza Izquierdo
The Cook and Chef Tereza Aída Izquierdo is the main representative of the Peruvian Creole food, since she was very small she was very involved in the traditional Creole cuisine, practically all her life she has dedicated herself to cooking, the first Creole Peruvian dish prepared by Teresa was El Seco de Gato and then Carapulcra de Chancho and little by little it was dominating the Creole seasoning. In 1978 Dona Teresa opened her first restaurant «El Rincón que no conoces» and over time she became known for her seasoning.
Doña Tereza traveled to different countries, representing the Peruvian Gastronomy, has published two books of Peruvian recipes that were a great success, and with the passing of years the Creole chef was being more recognized and famous, winning various national awards and recognitions and international, for example in 2006 was declared as the «Master of Culinary Art» by the Ministry of education of Peru, currently Doña Teresa is in heaven, was born in March 1934 and died in July 2011.
Toshiro Konishi
Toshiro Konishi, born in Japan, was a great pioneer of Peruvian Japanese cuisine. At the age of 21, he migrated to Peru and developed in the kitchen in Peru. In 1977, Lima opened his first Japanese restaurant, where he shows us his Japanese gifts and customs mixed with the culinary customs of Peru, over the years he was gaining recognition for his culinary art, also opened another 2 restaurants Toshiro’s and Wako, located in the Sheraton Hotel in Lima.
The Japanese Chef was one of the pioneers in the fusion of Peruvian food and Japanese food, one of his great culinary creations is the Abanico del Tiradito and the Frozen Ceviche, during his 30 years in Peru he made a great contribution to Peruvian cuisine , currently deceased, was born in July 1953 and died in April 2016.
Pedro Miguel Schiaffino
Chef Pedro Miguel Shiaffino is one of the pioneers of the Amazonian cuisine where the use and preparation of ingredients from the Peruvian Amazon is highlighted. He completed his culinary studies at the Culinary Institute of America in New York and obtained his master’s degree at the Italian Culinary Institute. working in different countries of the world, where he learned a lot about foreign cuisine, is currently a specialist in the Peruvian jungle cuisine, using ingredients such as: algae, aguaje, giant snails, sacha culantro, turmeric, achiote, cedron, among others .
The Peruvian chef opened his first restaurant in Lima called «Malabar», Pedro is characterized by the creation of new recipes and creative dishes, one of his great culinary creations is the Ceviche de Pescado con Tumbo, Paiche con Masato, Tuna Brulé with Juice of Cocona and black Tapioca. Pedro Miguel Schiaffino is considered a pioneer and creative chef of the Peruvian jungle cuisine.
Franco Noriega
Peruvian chef Franco Noriega is a multifaceted man, is a Peruvian model, singer and chef, was born in January 1989, educated at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and then continued his modeling career, has participated in brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Calvin Klein, Roberto Cavalli, Louis Vuitton and Hugo Boss, in October 2016 ventured into the kitchen through videos on the YouTube platform, where he prepared cooking recipes without a shirt, in which he gained international recognition as «The Sexiest Chef in the World».
Franco Noriega is currently one of the representative images of Peruvian food in New York, he opened his first restaurant in New York called «Baby Brasa», where he specializes in Peruvian culinary art, he has been invited as representative of Peruvian food to international events of the Peruvian Gastronomy.
Images of Peruvian Food
In the Peruvian Food we can observe many images, I will leave you the images of dishes or recipe of Peruvian food, maybe you are not the images of all the dishes of the Peruvian Gastronomy but at least you will know some, if you want to know how to prepare them You can look it up on our Peruvian Food website, I hope you like it.
Many of these are recipes for easy Peruvian meals and while others demand a little more time, the important thing is that you know how Peruvian food really looks through images of Peruvian Gastronomy.
Images of Peruvian Food dishes
Frequently asked questions about Peruvian Food
How to prepare Peruvian food?
The preparation of Peruvian food is simple, in most cases they carry the Creole dressing that is with garlic and onion, you just have to follow the instructions in the recipes we have for you, for this you must enter the name of the Peruvian dish in the web search and you can find the recipe, you can also continue to know many Peruvian recipes that were not known.
How can I order Peruvian food at home?
The most frequent way to order Peruvian food at home is the telephone number of Peruvian restaurants located in the city or nearby places, or it can also be through the mobile application that restaurants have.
In recent years there have been companies that offer the service of moving products or meals, such as Uber Eats, Glovo, Just-Eats, Already Orders, among others. Just download your application and find the associated Peruvian food restaurants so you can place your order at home, this works in many countries around the world.
How to find Peruvian food near me?
The easiest or easiest way to find Peruvian food near us is to enter Google Maps, and add the keyword «Peruvian Food» in the search engine and the application will give you a list of the closest Peruvian restaurants, as well as indicate you in the exact place where it is, thanks to the map it has, this search method can be used in all the cities of the world.
How do I get Peruvian Food to go?
As I said before, it can be by making a phone call to the Peruvian restaurant and placing the order or downloading the application from these companies that offer the service of products and / or meals, facilitating the work of getting the delicious Peruvian food.
Are there recipes for Peruvian food quick and easy to prepare?
Of course, there are many Peruvian recipes that are quick and easy to make, for example, Peruvian entrees do not require more than 20 minutes of preparation, there are also many Peruvian dishes and soups that do not take much time and complication in their preparation and Best of all, they have the rich Peruvian flavor.
How to find Peruvian Food restaurants in Madrid, Florida, Bogota, Santiago, Medellin, Buenos Aires, Mexico, DF, Cordova or in any city in the World?
The most recommended way to search for Peruvian food restaurants in any city in the world is through the Google search engine or google maps, where you can see the closest Peruvian restaurants and cities, you always have to observe the opinions and ratings that restaurants have, to know what valuation they have of the clients and / or diners.
How to identify the Japanese Peruvian Food?
The Peruvian food Japanese food usually uses very fresh ingredients such as raw fish which is one of their specialty, likewise most possess Asian ingredients that give a characteristic flavor to Peruvian foods.
What is Peruvian Gastronomy?
It is the culinary art that Peru has, where we can find more than 3,000 dishes of Peruvian food from the different regions of Peru, from the Peruvian Sea to the Peruvian jungle and not only food dishes, we can also find desserts and drinks. The typical dishes of Peru are what stand out nationally and internationally many of these are known in different countries, thanks to its exquisite flavor and great diversification of ingredients.
What is the Boom of Peruvian Gastronomy?
It is the event due to the consecutive international recognition that Peru has, since 2012 Peru is still the «Best Culinary Destination in the World», for its mestizo flavors, creativity and excellences in its meals, highlighting its rich flavors and fine aroma. All this is due to the great effort and impulse on the part of the Peruvian government and the Peruvian inhabitants to raise their excellent cuisine afloat, we must bear in mind that Peru has a great diversity of natural ingredients that are part of the Peruvian Gastronomy.
What is the House of Peruvian Gastronomy?
It is the Museum in honor of Peruvian food, where we can know the history of Peruvian Gastronomy, also find additional information on the typical and symbolic dishes of Peru, which is divided by its 4 culinary regions, we can also know how it has gone developing Peruvian cuisine through all the periods of ancient Peru to the present and meet the most representative Gastronomies figures of Peru
The Peruvian Museum or House of Gastronomy is located in the Jr. Conde de Superunda 170, in the Cercado de Lima (Peru), it opens its doors from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm, if you have the opportunity to visit Peru, you know that there is a museum dedicated to Peruvian food and that you can visit it and learn a little more about this great culinary art.
How important is the Government of Peru to Peruvian Gastronomy?
The importance of the Peruvian Gastronomy is vital both for the Peruvian inhabitants and for the Government of Peru, for this an institution was created focused only on the gastronomy of Peru, where diverse Peruvian culinary figures, diverse restaurants, institutes and universities participate in order to promote and promote Peruvian food, which was born in 2007 and was co-founded by the renowned Gaston Acurio among other representative figures of Peruvian cuisine, we are talking about the Peruvian Society of Gastronomy (Apega).
Other of the most representative events of the Peruvian Gastronomy is Mistura, which is the International Gastronomic Fair of Lima co-founded by the renowned Peruvian Cheff Gaston Acurio, where the different dishes of the different regions of Peru are exposed, where we can find food from Peruvian Sea to the Peruvian Jungle, where different restaurants from Peru participate.
How to make a triptych of Peruvian Gastronomy?
The Triptych is one of the most requested manual works in schools, especially with regard to Peruvian Gastronomy, for this I will indicate the following steps to develop an efficient triptych on Peruvian Gastronomy.
Steps to make a triptych about Peruvian Gastronomy
- First: We must make a presentation regarding Peruvian food where we can mention a basic concept about Peruvian food, international recognition and a personal opinion regarding Peruvian cuisine.
- Second: Add the History of Gastronomy or Peruvian Cuisine, where we must mention how Peruvian food has evolved over the years from the times of ancient Peru to the present.
- Third: Mention what are the main ingredients in the Peruvian Gastronomy, making a brief description and mentioning the types of ingredients.
- Fourth: Mention the Peruvian Cuisine by regions, for example: Marine Cuisine, Creole Cuisine, Peruvian Sierra Cuisine and Peruvian Jungle Cuisine.
- Fifth: Mention the desserts, drinks and liqueurs typical of Peru
- Sixth: Make a conclusion and / or synthesis with respect to Peruvian food, and obviously have to have very striking images.
What did you think about this great article about «Peruvian Food, Peruvian Cuisine and Peruvian Gastronomy» if you liked it and you have found it very interesting? Give us 5 Stars, if you have any questions or suggestions about the content or recipes of Peruvian foods write us the comments. Also if you want the Recipes of the Kitchen or Peruvian Gastronomy in PDF we can send it to you only leave us your mail and the respective recipes that you want. 👇👇👇